
Bringing Enlightenment to the World

Check under Events to see when our next Diskha Training will be held. 

The Sanskrit word Diksha comes from the root da (to give) plus ksi (to destroy) and is the process that bestows transcendental, spiritual knowledge while at the same time destroying the seeds of ignorance. Many great masters have offered Diksha in different forms. Sai Maa has brought to the world a simple, systematic approach that can be easily learned and offered by everyone. We call this Sai Maa Diksha.

We are in a remarkable time for our world, unlike any other in recorded history. There is a universal transformation taking place that will propel humankind from doubt and confusion into an age of joy, peace and understanding.

Maa_Gaiaphoto_lowresSai Maa teaches that the most effective tool to bring humanity gracefully into this new era is the practice of giving and receiving Sai Maa Diksha. This pure light blessing begins a process of dynamic change, activating our dormant spiritual powers, releasing all that no longer serves us, and opening the path to enlightenment.

“Many great enlightened beings know that bringing light into the brain is a central part of the process of enlightenment, but very few have spoken of it.”  ~ Sai Maa